Our Services

Our software engineering expertise allows us to tackle projects of all shapes and sizes. We can assist with any part of the process, from generating a concept to delivering and maintaining a solution.


Web & Mobile


Since the genesis of the internet, we have developed solutions for the web. We’ve also coded apps since the advent of smartphones

Our team has overseen the creation of data collection services, healthcare management systems, transport logistics solutions, streaming services, VR technology, and more.

CST developers are experts in developing large scale applications in Java, .Net/C#, NodeJS, and Javascript Frameworks as well as iOS, Android, and Cross-Platform.


User Interface

User Experience




We have worked with startups for over 25 years. Over that time, we have built and sold several of our own, and we are happy to share this expertise with our customers.

Software Testing

Checking your software for potential issues can be a time-consuming process. We take responsibility for this, ensuring its security and performance.


Blockchain and AI Expertise

Digital Ledger Technology has become increasingly popular over the past decade. We have built solutions that scour the dark web for bad actors, fractionalize collectible artifacts into shares, and tokenize gold and silver held in Swiss vaults.


How it works


Successful projects are borne out of a carefully devised process. Having built a number of startups of our own, we have developed expertise in rapid application development so that both we and our customers can quickly get to market. Take a look into each step of the creative process.



Gather Requirements

First, the customer describes their idea for a program at a basic level. We now work with the customer to determine what are the essential elements to bring that product to market



Concept Creation

We present the customer with a high level design and an approximate budget. At this point, based on the budget, a customer might add or remove elements of the MVP.



Design (UI/UX)

Even the most innovative software is useless if it cannot be understood by its users. CST’s graphics designers work on initial screens to come up with an overall look and feel with the customer. Enough screens are built to ensure that the design is finalized in weeks, if not months, prior to the engineers starting to work on those sections.




It can be difficult to trust an organization with your original ideas, especially if you don’t see their finished product until it’s completed. In order to regularly incorporate feedback, we develop and present to the client in periods of two to three weeks called “sprints.” Each sprint follows an Agile methodology (Plan, Design, Develop, Test, Deploy, Review, and Repeat) to ensure that the development team and the customer are always in sync. Additionally, daily in-team stand-ups allow everyone to ask questions so that the project never strays far off path.



Product Testing

Every software engineer, no matter how careful they are, or level of experience, develops software defects. It is critical that skilled QA engineers know not only how to find problems through the user interface, but how to test everything that's happening behind the scenes.



Go Live

Only once the above steps have been completed will their MVP be ready for production. We take pride in a job well done, and our programmers will only give their final seal of approval once they attain the level of polish that CST products possess.



Continous Improvement

Cornerstone’s partnership with our clients does not end when the product goes live. Continuous improvement is an iterative method for identifying opportunities enhancing the solution and incorporating customer feedback into the product.

Take your organization to the
next level.


Cornerstone Technologies is a global software engineering company providing consulting, design, application development, and testing services since 1998.

2024 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.