
Our software engineering expertise allows us to tackle projects of all shapes and sizes. We can assist with any part of the process, from generating a concept to delivering and maintaining a solution.


Agriculture/ Environmentalism

CST upholds the age-old wisdom shared since the beginning of time: that humanity has a responsibility to nurture and protect our planet. Through our engagement in agriculture, we fulfill this duty by supporting others in tending to their lands.

Connecting Producers to Buyers

Many of the problems that face the world’s current agricultural climate is a lack of connection between the right groups of people. CST has created multiple networks that alleviate problems just like these all over the world ensuring that capital meets action in a manner such that the less fortunate and the planet always benefits.

A Ministry of Agricultural Education

Farming as a profession currently faces an unfavorable ratio of supply and demand; the world’s population is continually and explosively growing, but the current and projected future amount of farmers continues to diminish. CST recognizes this problem and has created multiple solutions that assist in making a brighter future for farmers.



Cornerstone has helped engineer some of the world’s leading biological analysis systems. We take pride in knowing that our technological expertise is being utilized by these companies.

Creating the Future of Healthcare

CST has assisted multiple organizations on the cutting edge of medical technology, including some of our own startups. By providing data collection and distribution technology to groups with brilliant ideas, we have enabled physicians to literally look into the future; health sciences are becoming increasingly able to predict a patient’s likelihood for developing certain conditions with specific information, and in the case of our startup has built important and life-changing information pipelines.

The Power of Accessibility

Traditional medical assessment technology is only available to healthcare providers and professionals. As a result, patients looking for information about their conditions often cannot do so quickly or cost-effectively. The programs that CST have helped put in place bring powerful medical tech to consumers’ phones and computers, and do so while ensuring that patients do not have to operate outside of their means.


Data Management

Most technological solutions require at least some level of data collection or distribution software in order to make sure the developers and the users get access to pertinent information. CST’s decades-long presence in the software development industry speaks to our years of experience with data collection as well as managing otherwise unmanageable amounts of information.

Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset

Most industries’ primary goal in collecting data is to create a product or service that will in some way significantly impact the population from which the data originated. CST's data management practices provide our customer with peace of mind, providing them with solutions that uses the data to their exact specifications while keeping it 100% secure.


Financial Technology

In 1998, one of our initial solutions was building the world’s first real-time online banking system. At that time, every online banking system relied on batch processes, displaying the previous day's account balances and transactions. In order to solve this problem, CST worked with the US Office of Currency Control to develop new banking regulations that addressed the interaction between mainframe computers and banking software over the internet. Creating this solution for our banking client required a deep understanding of encryption, firewalls, mainframe software, internet routing, and parallel computing.

Blockchain Integration

In 2015, CST recognized the emergence of Ethereum as an inception point in fintech. Blockchain and distributed ledger technology would become one of the most transformative and groundbreaking technologies for the internet and our era. Our expertise extends to a range of services in this domain, including cryptocurrency integration and development, blockchain investment strategies, and the seamless transition of tangible products into digital marketplaces.

Financial Inclusion

Presently, close to 2 billion individuals lack access to banking services, with the majority residing in developing nations. Since our inception, CST has worked to help these developing countries lift people out of poverty by providing economic opportunities. Our commitment entails a multifaceted strategy, encompassing the development of solutions across various sectors, including banking, microfinancing, the establishment of treasuries for commodities like grains, livestock, and metals, as well as philanthropic initiatives.


Healthcare and Fitness

Our ever-changing world demands ongoing innovation across all sectors, and healthcare is no different. Over the years, we have helped clients build medical solutions in the areas of genetics, pediatrics, wellness and prevention.

Preventable Diseases

Current medical testing strategies do not take full advantage of lab tests proven to better identify risk of early signs of disease or future complications. As a leader in the healthcare industry, Cornerstone has built a solution that helps diagnose and potentially prevent chronic diseases, heart attacks, and strokes.

Sports Medicine

It has been scientifically proven that visual motor training improves proprioception in athletes and also plays a critical role in restoring function and addressing neuroplastic effects from injuries. Cornerstone has built a solution that is clinically proven to significantly improve agility and balance. Today this technology is used by half of the NBA teams, a third of the NFL, over 70 Division 1 universities and over 80 healthcare providers.



The last decade has seen dramatic changes in the way that people consume media. We make sure that our clients’ solutions are always available via streaming, or downloaded offline by their customers.

Our Contributions to the Streaming Marketplace

Our programmers have overseen the development of multiple streaming service platforms and ensured their availability on Roku, Apple TV, iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Chromecast, Xbox, Playstation, and more.

Increasing Availability with CDNs

Even if a client has produced a wealth of high-quality content, it can be difficult to get that content in the consumer’s hands. Cornerstone’s extensive knowledge of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) allows us to connect your content to a worldwide system of advanced servers and ensure secure and speedy streaming.

Connecting the World with Content

We recognize that the usefulness of media is not limited to entertainment. Education by way of video content is a powerful tool that CST has helped enable in all areas of the globe. Organizations that seek to bring knowledge to the less fortunate – those who do not have the monetary or technological means to better themselves – are doing important kingdom work, and we are always proud to help groups like these streamline their processes.



Our desire to make the world a better place has allowed us to partner with many philanthropic initiatives over the years. CST has incorporated new technologies into existing systems of giving and helped create new systems from the ground up.

Streamlining Existing Frameworks

We understand that while philanthropic organizations may desire a more technologically integrated approach for their social outreach, constantly working with people in need does not necessarily afford these organizations time to step away and implement such an approach. CST is a thought leader in turning abstract ideas into reality; our team understands the challenges that non-profit organizations face, so that they can continue to focus their time on others.

Creating World-Changing Solutions

Life-changing concepts often require a strong technical infrastructure from the beginning. CST’s prior work with ecommerce, web and mobile app development, media distribution, and supply chain management create the perfect bridge between the giving organization and the receiving group, no matter where in the world those two groups are located.


Take your organization to the
next level.


Cornerstone Technologies is a global software engineering company providing consulting, design, application development, and testing services since 1998.

2024 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.